Sunday, 10 March 2013




what is it?

Speed is the quickness of movement of the body. Completing speed training is meant to decrease the amount of time it takes you to get from one point to another.

ways to train?

You can complete sport specific speed training in order to increase speed. This is able to improve the skills which are needed for specific sports. Depending what sport you play, different movements and patterns of activity takes place.

For example, a marathon runner needs a person to continuously run whereas a football player starts and stops and also needs to quickly change direction efficiently.

Completing training which is specific to the sport that you take part in enables improvements in the movements which take part in the game. This will allow the training to benefit the performance. A footballer could complete fartlek training. This would require quick high intensity movements for a short period of time then decreasing it to lower intensity.


how you do it?

A footballer could... could sprint to the 18 yard box.

They would then walk back to the goal line.

They then sprint to the half way line.

They could then walk to the goal line.

They then sprint to the 18 yard box again

Then walk back to the goal line.

To increase the intensity and distance, they would complete this up to 5 times. This is because the duration and distance they are running will match what they complete during a football game.
Changing speed within the exercise is important because when playing football, a player is never standing still at one time.


links to sport

For a sports person to complete this type of training making it specific to the sport they take part in, can increase their sports performance. 
If a footballer was to complete the exercises above, they would be covering long distance.
 This is sport specific as a football player is required to run and track the ball down depending on what position they play and who has the ball.

For a midfield player, completing the exercise above requires them to run long distance and at different intensities. In a game, a player needs to run back to help defend.
When they win the ball, they are required to attack. This means they need to get to the other side of the pitch.

Also doing this, they are required to win everything within the middle of the pitch. This can be tracking players who have the ball by putting them under pressure and making a tackle. And also winning headers, winning the ball from goal kicks and keeping possession.


The benifits of this form of training are:
  • Completing this type of exercise is able to increase the body's endurance strength. This is because, when exercises are taking place, the body is storing more oxygen within the body. This enables the muscles to function

  • Lactic acid does not build up due to the presence of oxygen. When this training is taking place, the storage of oxygen can be used reducing the levels of lactic acid within the body.


The disadvantages of this form of training are:
  • A person taking part may not know their body limits and could push themselves too much. Running too far for their first training session could cause injury.

  • People may not know the correct exercises in order to make it specific to the sport that they play. They could train for the wrong sport which will make it less effective for their performance.

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