Sunday, 10 March 2013




what is it?

Flexibility is exercises which help the muscles stretch farther in a given direction. Flexibility training helps to prevent cramps and stiffness.

Flexibility refers to methods which helps the joints and tendons becoming more flexible over time. Being more flexible at joints can allow someone to perform better and have a greater range of movement.
Adams et al 2010

ways to train?

Dynamic stretching is a way to complete flexibility training. Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching which is beneficial in a sports utilizing movement.

Completing this form of stretching prepares the body for physical exertion and sports performance.
Dynamic stretches increases the range of movement and the blood and oxygen flow to soft tissues. It can also improve the performance of sports people and reduces the risk of injuries from occurring.

Different types of stretches...

There are different types of stretches which is able to increase their flexibility. These are static stretching, ballistic stretching and PNF (propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching.

Static stretching is stretches that are controlled and slow. There are two types of static stretching; passive and active.
Passive stretching is assisted stretching which requires help from another person applying accessive force to the muscle allowing it to stretch.
Active stretching can be achieved by a person by completing voluntary contactions of specific muscles.
Adams et al
Ballistic stretching are stretching that requires the individual to make fast, jerky movements. This usually occurs through bouncing and bobbing using the full range of motion.
The type of stretches should be specific to sporting movement that are experienced in sporting activities. However, these type of stretches can lead to injuries and soreness resulting in muscle strains.
Adams et al
PNF stretching are advanced stretches that are a form of passive stretches and is the most effective form fo stretch to increase flexibility.
The way in which these stretches take place are...
Stretch a muscle to its full range of movement. For example, stretching the back and hamstring my reaching your toes when sitting on the floor.
Isometrically contract the muscle against a partner for 6-10 seconds. For example, sit up against your partner and lean on them for the 6-20 seconds.
Then relax the muscle group as the partner stretches them to its new range of movement limit.
It should be apparent that you are able to stretch further than last time.
Adams et al

how you do it?

There are many different dynamic stretches that can occur before taking part in exercise.
high knees
back kicks
glute walk

links to sport

Completing dynamic stretches before taking part in exercise can improve a sports performers performance. It can increase the range of movement at their joints.
 It is important that a sports person completes dynamic stretches in the areas which requires a larger range of movement as it can reduce the risk of injury taking place.
Completing ankle pops could increase the range of movement in a footballers ankle.

This would be useful for a football player to perform as it can allow their ankles to have a full range of movement when running.

Running in football is important for a midfield player as they need to cover most areas of the pitch. In order for them to do so, they need to run. Having a full range of movement at their ankles can allow them to run quicker and push of the floor harder.

Completing high knees can also benefit a football player, when they are running, they are raising their legs higher than they would when they were walking.

Completing this type of stretch can increase their performance as they would have a wider range of movement and the movement when running can be more easier to perform after completing the stretches before the game.


The benefits of completing dynamic stretches before taking part in a sports game is:
  • Dynamic stretches uses motions similar to what an athlete undertakes in the game. This effectively stimulates a performance experience and increases their range of movement ready for the game.

  • It allows the body to stretch further than it would any other time. This allows the muscles to increase in length ready when they are working repeatedly in a sporting performance.

  • Dynamic stretches consists of quick and active stretches which prepares them for a game situation.


The disadvantages of completing dynamic stretches before taking part in a sports game is:
  • They are dangerous to perform and can lead to injury. Pushing muscles to stretch past their normal length before warming up correctly can make tears and pulls to occur within them.

  • This form of stretching is less effective at soothing an aching muscle when stretching out cramp

  • They are ineffective for certain muscle groups

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