Friday, 15 March 2013



This blog explains different components of fitness.
Completing these different exercises which are shown can increase strength, flexibility, aerobic and muscular endurance, speed and power.
Each component of fitness shows how to train using different training sessions and what the benifits and disadvantages there are for each.

Sunday, 10 March 2013




what is it?

Speed is the quickness of movement of the body. Completing speed training is meant to decrease the amount of time it takes you to get from one point to another.

ways to train?

You can complete sport specific speed training in order to increase speed. This is able to improve the skills which are needed for specific sports. Depending what sport you play, different movements and patterns of activity takes place.

For example, a marathon runner needs a person to continuously run whereas a football player starts and stops and also needs to quickly change direction efficiently.

Completing training which is specific to the sport that you take part in enables improvements in the movements which take part in the game. This will allow the training to benefit the performance. A footballer could complete fartlek training. This would require quick high intensity movements for a short period of time then decreasing it to lower intensity.


how you do it?

A footballer could... could sprint to the 18 yard box.

They would then walk back to the goal line.

They then sprint to the half way line.

They could then walk to the goal line.

They then sprint to the 18 yard box again

Then walk back to the goal line.

To increase the intensity and distance, they would complete this up to 5 times. This is because the duration and distance they are running will match what they complete during a football game.
Changing speed within the exercise is important because when playing football, a player is never standing still at one time.


links to sport

For a sports person to complete this type of training making it specific to the sport they take part in, can increase their sports performance. 
If a footballer was to complete the exercises above, they would be covering long distance.
 This is sport specific as a football player is required to run and track the ball down depending on what position they play and who has the ball.

For a midfield player, completing the exercise above requires them to run long distance and at different intensities. In a game, a player needs to run back to help defend.
When they win the ball, they are required to attack. This means they need to get to the other side of the pitch.

Also doing this, they are required to win everything within the middle of the pitch. This can be tracking players who have the ball by putting them under pressure and making a tackle. And also winning headers, winning the ball from goal kicks and keeping possession.


The benifits of this form of training are:
  • Completing this type of exercise is able to increase the body's endurance strength. This is because, when exercises are taking place, the body is storing more oxygen within the body. This enables the muscles to function

  • Lactic acid does not build up due to the presence of oxygen. When this training is taking place, the storage of oxygen can be used reducing the levels of lactic acid within the body.


The disadvantages of this form of training are:
  • A person taking part may not know their body limits and could push themselves too much. Running too far for their first training session could cause injury.

  • People may not know the correct exercises in order to make it specific to the sport that they play. They could train for the wrong sport which will make it less effective for their performance.




what is it?

Power is completing workouts which requires weight training using low repetitions with large weights. Completing this type of training allows a muscle/muscle group to develop its ability to contract at a maximum force in a minimal time.

Power is a skill related component of fitness. It is the ability to generate and use muscular strength quickly. Athletes who are stronger are able to produce more power when they are completing actions.
adams et al 2010

ways to train?

A training session which can be used to increase power is plyometrics. Plyometrics training involves quick, powerful contractions of the muscles after they have been stretched. Stretching the muscles allows a muscle to contract with greater force. This type of training is also known as jump training and is designed to increase muscle power and explosiveness.

how you do it?

drop jumping
depth jumps
press ups and hand clap
jump squats
stand and jump

links to sport

Taking part in plyometric training enables a sports person to increase strength and power within certain areas of the body depending what workout takes place.

 For a football player to increase power within their legs...they would perform exercises such as drop jumping, depth jumps, hurdling and jumping squats.
This is because they all require the legs to work hard.

Completing these exercises would increase the strength and power within the muscle groups and would allow the footballer to perform stronger and sharper bursts of speed and movement within the game.

When the ball comes towards a player when they are both standing still, the player would be able to perform a quicker and sharper movement to move towards the ball after completing plyometric training on the legs. This will allow the player to win the ball. 

Also, when taking a shot, it requires the player to bend their knee which stretches the thigh muscle.
Then when kicking the ball, the muscle contracts which allows their foot to kick the ball. This movement requires the muscle to stretch and then rapidly shorten. When completing plyometric training, this is the movements within muscle group that takes place.


The benifits of completing this form of training are:
  • Completing these exercises allows improvements in leg strength, muscular power, acceleration, balance, overall agility and bone density.

  • It is able to increase stamina levels for muscular endurance.

  • Strength within the upper and lower body can be improved when completing this form of training.

  • Calories are able to be burned when as it requires the whole body to work and activates most muscle groups.


The disadvantages of this form of training are:
  • A disadvantage of completing this form of training is injuries can occur due to the repetitive movements of the body. This can cause stress to the joints.

  • Equipment is needed in order to complete training exercises.

  • A supervisor is needed to teach in order the exercise is completed properly otherwise injuries can occur.




what is it?

Flexibility is exercises which help the muscles stretch farther in a given direction. Flexibility training helps to prevent cramps and stiffness.

Flexibility refers to methods which helps the joints and tendons becoming more flexible over time. Being more flexible at joints can allow someone to perform better and have a greater range of movement.
Adams et al 2010

ways to train?

Dynamic stretching is a way to complete flexibility training. Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching which is beneficial in a sports utilizing movement.

Completing this form of stretching prepares the body for physical exertion and sports performance.
Dynamic stretches increases the range of movement and the blood and oxygen flow to soft tissues. It can also improve the performance of sports people and reduces the risk of injuries from occurring.

Different types of stretches...

There are different types of stretches which is able to increase their flexibility. These are static stretching, ballistic stretching and PNF (propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching.

Static stretching is stretches that are controlled and slow. There are two types of static stretching; passive and active.
Passive stretching is assisted stretching which requires help from another person applying accessive force to the muscle allowing it to stretch.
Active stretching can be achieved by a person by completing voluntary contactions of specific muscles.
Adams et al
Ballistic stretching are stretching that requires the individual to make fast, jerky movements. This usually occurs through bouncing and bobbing using the full range of motion.
The type of stretches should be specific to sporting movement that are experienced in sporting activities. However, these type of stretches can lead to injuries and soreness resulting in muscle strains.
Adams et al
PNF stretching are advanced stretches that are a form of passive stretches and is the most effective form fo stretch to increase flexibility.
The way in which these stretches take place are...
Stretch a muscle to its full range of movement. For example, stretching the back and hamstring my reaching your toes when sitting on the floor.
Isometrically contract the muscle against a partner for 6-10 seconds. For example, sit up against your partner and lean on them for the 6-20 seconds.
Then relax the muscle group as the partner stretches them to its new range of movement limit.
It should be apparent that you are able to stretch further than last time.
Adams et al

how you do it?

There are many different dynamic stretches that can occur before taking part in exercise.
high knees
back kicks
glute walk

links to sport

Completing dynamic stretches before taking part in exercise can improve a sports performers performance. It can increase the range of movement at their joints.
 It is important that a sports person completes dynamic stretches in the areas which requires a larger range of movement as it can reduce the risk of injury taking place.
Completing ankle pops could increase the range of movement in a footballers ankle.

This would be useful for a football player to perform as it can allow their ankles to have a full range of movement when running.

Running in football is important for a midfield player as they need to cover most areas of the pitch. In order for them to do so, they need to run. Having a full range of movement at their ankles can allow them to run quicker and push of the floor harder.

Completing high knees can also benefit a football player, when they are running, they are raising their legs higher than they would when they were walking.

Completing this type of stretch can increase their performance as they would have a wider range of movement and the movement when running can be more easier to perform after completing the stretches before the game.


The benefits of completing dynamic stretches before taking part in a sports game is:
  • Dynamic stretches uses motions similar to what an athlete undertakes in the game. This effectively stimulates a performance experience and increases their range of movement ready for the game.

  • It allows the body to stretch further than it would any other time. This allows the muscles to increase in length ready when they are working repeatedly in a sporting performance.

  • Dynamic stretches consists of quick and active stretches which prepares them for a game situation.


The disadvantages of completing dynamic stretches before taking part in a sports game is:
  • They are dangerous to perform and can lead to injury. Pushing muscles to stretch past their normal length before warming up correctly can make tears and pulls to occur within them.

  • This form of stretching is less effective at soothing an aching muscle when stretching out cramp

  • They are ineffective for certain muscle groups



what is it?

Strength training is the use of resistance to a muscular contraction.
Doing this can build up the strength, anaerobic endurance and size of the skeletal muscles.

When completing strength training sessions, it can provide significant benefits and improvements to the overall health and well being of a person.

 It can also improve a persons ability and skill as they may be able to perform better when having more strength within their muscles.
Adams et al

Strength is to have the ability to put maximal force that can be developed onto a group of muscles when completing one single contraction.


ways to train it?

Medicine balls can be used for a way to improve your muscular endurance and strength.

A medicine ball is a large, solid, heavy ball which is used by throwing and catching it for exercises.

Using this for exercise allows every part of the body to be worked including the abs, hips and thighs.
It can also stabilize the muscles. These are used for sports which require explosive and intense movements.

When exercises are being completed when using medicine balls, linking it to sports movements allows it to be more beneficial and useful to a sports person.

how you do it?

There are many different examples which can be used when completing exercises with medicine balls. This includes:
rock and roll up
lunge with twist
lunge with overhead press
reverse swing
squat press and throw

links to sport

This type of training method can be used to improve different types of sport specific performances.
 A basketball player could... complete the squat press and throw exercise using the medicine ball. This would increase the strength in their arms and would allow them to throw the ball further when taking a shot in the game.
 They could complete the reverse swing exercises which allows them to increase the strength in their stomach. When in a game situation, this exercise would of allowed them to improve their strength. This would allow them to twist and pass in a game more effectivelywhen they are no longer allowed to run with the ball.
Other athletes use medicine balls for training to increase their core strength. An activity that gets used commonly is to get a sports person to hold the ball against their chest and thrust it to another sports person. This person would then catch it against their chest. This strengthens their arms chests and leg muscles.



The benefits of using medicine balls as a form of strength training is:
  • they can be used at home as they are small and accessible
  • they are heavy weight balls which can be used when training powerful workouts. This can allow someone to complete powerful workouts in their own home.
  • Also lighter medicine balls can be used to improve the range of movement, motion and tone of muscles
  • Medicine balls can be used to improve resistance training.
  • They are able to improve a sports person when matching movements that are linked to sports movement. For example, chucking a medicine ball can be the same when passing the ball in netball


The disadvantages of using a medicine ball is

  • People may be scared to use the equipment. This could result in an injury.
  • People could break or damage the equipment if they aren’t used correctly. Also using the equipment incorrectly could result in injury to the person.



what is it?

Aerobic endurance is the ability to continue aerobic activity over a long period of time.

Aerobic endurance is one of the main fitness components and is important for success in many sports.

Some sports such as distance running require physical attribute. In other sports such as football, a good endurance is also important as it can allow them to last for the duration of the game.


ways to train it?

Continuous training is a type of training which is used by people who want to lose weight or to manage their weight by reducing their body fat content.

 This is the reason why aerobic endurance is used for pre season by football teams and rugby teams. Body fat can be reduced by this type of training because training results can increase levels of hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine.

 These activate enzymes which break down triglycerides into fatty acids. These are then used as an energy source and reduce the body fat levels.
As well as health related benefits of aerobic endurance training methods, there are different benefits for sports performance.

They are able to improve blood volume, mitochondrial size and density, develop neuromuscular patterns and improve muscle tone.

 All of these benefit performance levels in a range of sport.


How you do it?

Continuous training is a steady state, long, slow distance training.

This type of training involves an athlete to run at a steady pace over a long period of time.

The intensity of the training that they take part in should be moderate as they are jogging over a long distance and for a long period of time.
One way you could complete a continuous training session could be jogging steadily in a marked out area for a certain duration of time.
This could be jogging around the outlined football pitch with the same pace for 15 minutes.


links to sport

For a marathon runner to train, they could use this method of training as it would benefit them and would allow them to improve.
A marathon runner could... complete a long distance run at a steady pace. This would allow their muscles to adapt to working for long periods of time.

 As the weeks progress, they could increase the distance they run.
This would allow an increase in their muscles and they can adapt to running long distances.

Over time, doing this will allow them to become used to running long distances.




The benefits of this type of training is:
  • beginners can find it useful as they are beginning to start a structured exercise.
  • They are able to complete a short distance which will suit them.
  • They can then gradually increase the distance that they increase when the feel they are capable of doing so.


The disadvantages of this type of training is
  • the participants are at high risk of injuring themselves when they are running for long distances on hard surfaces. It is important that the sports person wears correct footwear to protect their legs when running on hard surfaces.